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African development Initiative 
AIAD's African Development Program is working with motivated partners to create opportunities for people to lift themselves out of poverty and hunger.
Our strategy is focused.
Because most of the world's poorest people rely directly on agriculture, we support efforts to help small farmers improve crop production and market access.
Because loans, insurance, and savings can help people weather setbacks and build assets, we facilitate access to financial services for the poor.
And because information can change lives, we support free public access to information.
We also support a range of learning opportunities, including potential new areas of long-term giving.

Socio-economic policy and implementation group

  • Priority Working Group Chairs (groups that are chaired by directors of the Regional Development Agencies based on the Priorities of the AIAD's Single Programming Document: Dynamic Business Base, Conditions for Growth, Regenerating Communities)
  • Sub-Regional Group members (groups chaired by Local Authority representatives)
  • Program Monitoring Committee representatives from various organisations
  • Project Holders
  • Local Authorities
  • Community / Voluntary Sector Organisations
  • Further Education Institutions
  • Higher Education Institutions
  • Regional Development Agencies
  • Business and finance Link group
  • Regional Local Government Association 

  • Policy implementation
    Establishment of a network of evaluators. The aim of the network shall be sharing information and experience, development evaluation methods and techniques in the socio-economic environment and perhaps promotion of evaluation, too. 
    Thus, the task of national regional policy network will  primarily  eliminate the leverage effect of support from the Structural Funds (SFs) in the form of matching AIAD's grants as subjects from poorer regions would not be able to provide sufficient financial resources for co-financing of eligible projects.
    Therefore, the AIAD regional policy might provide for example additional 15% co-financing of projects implemented in most needed regions so as the local subjects would be able to reach on the support from SFs.  This example illustrates one option how existing AIAD support programs might be integrated with the Government cohesion policies to achieve a synergy between both programs.

    Copyright 2011, American Institute for African Development